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Perspective Shift

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Society – there‘s so many norms to be accepted and regulated, many rules to be applied and revised.

Sometimes, we people tend to forget these traditional norms and rules that often leads to confusion on what to believe. I‘m stating about gender confusion. I mean, there‘s more to life than just agreeing to these traditions for the sake of society‘s well being. Why must not we be ourselves and start revising these traditional norms. I often have these thoughts of lesbians being unwanted in the society, that they shouldn‘t act like men but in deep thought, maybe they‘ve become like that beacuse of their upbringing. There are many possible reasons why gender confusion is very rampant nowadays and i’m glad that it‘s slowly being accepted in the society.

Same old, same old.

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‘Giggles’, I’ve been hearing it all all day, It‘s an act of excitement that highlights the occasion, Valentines Day.

At 8 this morning, I was rushing for school to make up for unfinished activities and as expected, I was late again. As I was about to enter the premises, a flower vendor tried to sell his flowers in thought that I would buy them, but I didnt. I swiftly passed throught the entrance like any other day, a normal day, a very hectic day as if nothing just happend. Like I normally do in every day, I had a quick glimps of my fellow students‘ expression just to lessen the anxiety if feel everytime I walk alone. Everyone seemed so happy and excited at the same time, like an employee receiving his first monthly pay. There was no doubt that love is in the air, or at least in their air. I could clearly hear the screems of high school students who were in awe of serenades from the hs building down to the parking area where I would usually go to avoid the crowd.

After that, I went home for lunch then went back again for my next class. 2pm — seeing almost every girl in the campus carrying different kinds; sizes; and quantity of flowers (not the way flower vendors do). There were boquet of roses; 3 individually wrapped roses; and etc. Most of those flowers were accompanied by gifts like stuffed animals, greeting cards, and more. Everyone looked so happy and alive that it makes me relieved as well, that at least they‘re happy on such a special day.

Suddenly, I felt my cheekbones rising – that‘s when I realized, I was smiling, for no reason at all. But as I go on through the day, I realized that not everyone received gifts, flowers, or even greeting cards. It made me think that of the many years I have witness these instances, I forgot I was/am part of that population that never got to experience how it feels like to be appreciated by someone who adores you. The more that I think of it, the more I feel upset for the people who go on with their lives as if everything‘s normally fine, that for how many years they‘ve waited, thinking when will that someone sweep them off their feet.

And so the sun starts to set and finally my favorite part of the day, I bravely recall the times where I feel a little bit envious but at the same time relaxed for the night was on my side and the sky just gives so much hope, that makes one dream that maybe someday, it could happen to anyone, it might happen to everyone, it will happen to me.

Love should not only be expressed and felt on special occasions, but for as long you know that you have love for that person.


Breakeven point turn to a loss.

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Friends? Who really needs friends? I’ve had friends for a long time, but none of them stayed long. I think of a friend as a temporary company, someone who’s been with you for a while. I’ve never met someone whom i think would be a perfect definition of a friend, a real and true friend. I guess my one problem is that i’ve always treated as a family. I always trust them that would eventually turn out as an expense.

Protected: Pessimism

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Friends, they’ll be with you through thick and thin.

Double the better.

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chocolates are best made to take stress away and relieve tension. One of my favorite sweets. =)
via PicsArt Photo Studio

Humans, the struggle for existence

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10Life is a constant struggle to finding one’s purpose

In a world full of life, there are people who are struggling – ever merely existing.

We have walked around this earth for the sole purpose of existing, giving life to an empty vast space. In return, this humble planet of ours evolved that then gave birth to different species and bounty such as minerals, and other living creatures which started the cycle of life. The predator and the prey.

The concept of being a predator and prey has also evolved with us humans, we then call “the wealthy and the poor”. Why are we where we are now?

This planet has been through a lot. The once healthy and abundant place will soon be the death of countless lives, and we are to blame for it. We have caused our own destruction with all the wars and hatred with one another. Poverty is the result of one’s greediness. We could always choose to help one another, lend a helping hand if you may which most of us tend not to. When we do, we expect something in return.

Not all are thinking, needing or wanting about the same thing; however we always fear FEAR. We fear of losing our lives, our family, the one’s we love and care for, our reputation, or our sanity.

When all things go wrong, I strongly agree that most of us would flip out and burst. So, this must be what they call living. It ain’t living if you’re not struggling.


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It displays a fascinating view to express one’s joy of a new year, a new beginning to let go of unwanted vibes. 🙂