Month: June 2014

It was right there

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All these years, we’ve been looking for that


moment, right time, and person for us. What we don’t know is that it’s always been there, right in front of our eyes but we’re just to blind to see.

There’s no such thing as the right moment for every second of your life counts and the experiences it bring gives more meaning for you to give it your all.

No time is worth wasted when you already envision it to be the greatest time of your life, unless otherwise you’re too caught up with pessimistic outcomes.

People. We make mistakes and oftentimes we tend to make promises that couldn’t be kept, but each person is different in their own unique way… so don’t go on cursing everyone for your downfall. What you can do for yourself is to keep it together and learn to accept the fact that neither of you is at fault and embrace the time to think things through and be a better you. As you have recovered from a downfall,  you will finally realize that there’s more to life than drowning youself from sobbing – that there’s still time to find the right person and to treasure moments you envision because God has it all planned out.

It’s your choices that puts a twist into God’s plan. All you have to do is to look closely and listen- to what your heart sees and to what your mind believes. You might end up looking back thinking… it was right there all along.